- config folder with all json files is used via new FS API
- fixed campaigns loading. Replaced "detect h3m starts" heuristics with CCompessedStream::getNextBlock()
- completely replaced CLodHandler, removed bitmaph and spriteh
- replaced CLodStream in favour of CCompressedStream (2 new files)
- renamed CResourceLoaderFactory and ResourceIndetifier to shorter names
- campaign loading is currently broken. Will fix.
- I am going to remove several unused files in several days (e.g. LodHandler)
* CTRL+T will open marketplace window
* T in adventure map will switch to next town
* T in castle window will open a tavern window (if available)
* G will open thieves guild window if player owns at least one town with tavern
* various minor changes
* CHexFieldControl renamed to CClickableHex
* CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h moved to BattleInterface/CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h
* Removed unused project files
* Added VCMI_client filters file for VS 2010
* Gathered common parts of StdInc.h in Global.h
* Boost.Spirit has been included in PCH for ERM project
* StopWatch renamed to CStopWatch
* GuiBase.cpp split up in UIFramework/...
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp
* lib/ERMScriptModule.h
* lib/CObstacleInstance.h
More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts.
Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
-It is possible to toggle adventure AI on / off typing "ai" in the console (default is true)
-General cleaning and formatting of code
-Some minor optimizations
-Teal console log for AI
AI tends to hang in the maze of mutexes and current player interface, further investigation is needed.
minor tweaks
Please don't touch CGI->state directly in client code - use callbacks instead. I'd like to make some mechanics-critical handlers in CGI const - a lot of work, certain changes have been done here.
Fixed a file handle leak.
Bumped revision to 0.74b (linux).
Reworked the build system to remove uneeded dependencies (linux).
Removed use of PATHSEPARATOR since Windows can use / too.
* fixed a few includes paths
* it's possible to enter Tavern via Brotherhood of Sword
* fixes for statusbar
* fixes for townlist
* fixed crashes on building / clicking some buildings
* bumped version number to 0.71c
* bonuses from wearing more than one same artifact won't cumulate
* Merged CPreGameTextHandler into CGeneralTextHandler and moved to VCMI_Lib.dll (update your project files)
* Genius AI will be used as a default AI
* more code for save/load
* using winapi for better console handling with MSVC (I hope I didn't break anything at GCC)
* new logging system (use log0 - log5 for different priorities and colors (at msvc))
* using lists for storing activated interface objects
* more proper closing of server