* Added the missing AB video resource file in linux code, AB campaign selection videos should now play BUT they don't => it seems that ffmpeg can't handle older BINK videos
* Fixed a visual glitch which could be seen at the WOG animation in the main menu on a linux machine
* Fixed the random crashes bug on mouse centering at startup on linux
* Fixed a visual bug at the bonus selection screen when starting a campaign-map
* Changed some positions in the bonus selection screen, no bonus pre selection, you cannot start the campaign when no bonus is selected (like in h3)
* Added a border functionality to the AdventureMapButton
* InfoWindow buttons and some other buttons have now the border which heroes 3 buttons have
* Fixed a app crash when you start a campaign two times in one session
-- Reduced memory usage for images with margins
-- Implemented RLE compression
- Linux-related changes:
-- build system updated to include changed paths
-- new dependency: boost-program-options
-- configure option --disable-debug will produce optimized build
- Several gcc compile fixes
- Optimized CPU usage on town screens
- Removed several includes from headers
- Possible fix for #496
-- files moved to /client, GUI classes added
-- handling of creatures, used in creature cards, fixed#469 \ #490
-- handling of town buildings
#631 crash at hill fort fixed
-- New files: hch/CAnimation.h/cpp
-- Class CAnimation capable to load file partially and/or keep data in compressed state
-- Buttons now use CAnimation instead of CDefHandler
- build system regenerated to include new files
- fixed several gcc warnings
- updated README.linux
You can see my attempt to create very generic handling of global effects, but I abandoned it since no other items might actually use it.
However, Statue's constituents are buggy, so may be assembling & dissasembling them. Most likely this issue is general.
- BitmapHandler can now load images from any format supported by SDL_Image
note: file can have any possible format but extension should be .bmp or .pcx
- fixed some warnings
Please don't touch CGI->state directly in client code - use callbacks instead. I'd like to make some mechanics-critical handlers in CGI const - a lot of work, certain changes have been done here.
- removed unavailable in Hill Fort upgrades from cr_upgrade_list.txt
- fixed bug in upgrading creatures
- workaround to make VCMI work with Russian language files (possibly fixed 289)
- fixed some remaining building issues (#361)
- Portal of Summoning will now be present in fort window
- some fixes for Thieves Guild window (partial #386)
Commented out giving starting artifact - new artifact randomization make it crashing. Please fix it.
New control - CTextBox - for multi-line text with optional slider. Used it for map description and info windows. Related changes. Fixes#22 and #96.