bfs = boost::filesystem;
- Updateting filenames (std::string -> bfs::path) #1
- Added platform detection, and some specyfic boost::filesystem includes
to Global.h
- Updated CBasicLogConfigurator. Now class uses bfs::path pathes.
- This file is now split into multiple smaller files in mapObjects
- CObjectHandler itself now contains only core classes (Handler itself,
CGObject and interfaces)
- Cleaned up excessive #include's through whole project
- AUTHORS file is now in UTF-8
- tags for desktop files
- fixed some typos
- better reaction on --help and --version commands
- vcmibuilder should work with both avconf and ffmpeg
priority than mods. Fixes#1685 and #1733
- fixed possible crash on exit in dispose() function
- (vcmibuilder) fixes problem with partial mp3 -> ogg conversion
- Moved placing campaign heroes before random object generation -> same behaviour as in OH3
- Refactored pickHero into pickNextHeroType (hero generation sequence) and pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly
- Added a SIGSEV violation handler to vcmiserver executable for logging stacktrace (for convenience only)
- Fixed Fuzzy.cpp and VCAI.h compilation on Clang
- Added a handleException function in addition to our macros (no use of macros, enables debugging support, does not re-throw, catches ...-case too)
- removed CResourceLoader class in favor of one that implements resource loader interface
- removed global pool of files, in favour of more dynamic approach
- renamed some files to match current situation
All these changes are needed mostly for future mod manager + .zip support
* Reverted std::bind to boost::bind. std::bind on Visual 2012 doesn't work in some cases (especially with std::ref), not sure why [but it seems to be a bug, since 2013 preview compiles the same code fine].
* Move assignment operator for VS 2012.
- replaced several boost classes with std (e.g. unordered)
- removed gcc-4.5 workarounds
- ran clang c++11 migration tool to detect some cases:
- - pointer initialized with "0" to nullptr
- - replace for with iterators with range-based for
- - use auto in some situations (type name specified twice, avoid long iterators type names)
- use std versions of function, bind and ref
- OVERRIDE -> override
- NULL -> nullptr
- use std versions of random distributions
NOTE: this may be last revision that supports gcc-4.5
- filesystem initialization works in conjuction with modHandler
- (config) split buildings.json in multiple files in "factions" directory
- (mods) merged filesystem.json and config/mod.json into mod.json
- config folder with all json files is used via new FS API
- fixed campaigns loading. Replaced "detect h3m starts" heuristics with CCompessedStream::getNextBlock()
- completely replaced CLodHandler, removed bitmaph and spriteh
- replaced CLodStream in favour of CCompressedStream (2 new files)
- renamed CResourceLoaderFactory and ResourceIndetifier to shorter names
- campaign loading is currently broken. Will fix.
- I am going to remove several unused files in several days (e.g. LodHandler)
* all lock/unlock and unlock/lock pairs are done by RAII guards now
* fixed two possible crashes at the end of battle when last stack was killed by spell. That should fix#749 and #752.
* fixed a very nasty race condition, eliminating possible deadlock at the start of battle when human hero has tactics
* fixed#422