- reorganized internal filesystem structure - all files from one mod are
now grouped in same FS node
- modhandler will now calculate crc32 checksum for each mod
- modhandler now knows validation status of each mod
todo - use checksum to determine mods that have not changed since last
start and disable validation for them.
- Minor improvements to JSON validation
- Cleanup in SDL_Extensions.cpp
- Implemented new propery for creature format: idle animation duration
- Disabled idle animation of some of conflux creatures (was clearly
compiled first.
- changed format of modSettings.json, VCMI should properly update file
on the first run.
- implemented property "defaultTavern" that acts as default value for
"tavern" entry in hero class and town formats.
- launcher uses json parser from vcmi lib instead of one from Qt #1469
- fixed abilities overrides for some creatures #1476
- fixed hero portraits in seer huts #1402
- ttf fonts will render text in utf-8 mode. Not really useful at this point
- new settings entry, available in launcher: encoding. Unused for now.
- new fields in mod format, for use with mod manager (check config/shemas/mod.json for details)
- removed some 0.92 compatibility from mods loading
- several compile fixes
- removed CResourceLoader class in favor of one that implements resource loader interface
- removed global pool of files, in favour of more dynamic approach
- renamed some files to match current situation
All these changes are needed mostly for future mod manager + .zip support
- replaced several boost classes with std (e.g. unordered)
- removed gcc-4.5 workarounds
- ran clang c++11 migration tool to detect some cases:
- - pointer initialized with "0" to nullptr
- - replace for with iterators with range-based for
- - use auto in some situations (type name specified twice, avoid long iterators type names)
- use std versions of function, bind and ref
- OVERRIDE -> override
- NULL -> nullptr
- use std versions of random distributions
NOTE: this may be last revision that supports gcc-4.5
- mods can access only ID's from dependenies, virtual "core" mod and itself (optional for some mods compatibility)
- metadata field for JsonNode, used to track source mod
- moved wog creatures into wog mod
- (linux) convertMP3 option for vcmibuilder for systems where SDL_Mixer can't play mp3's
- loading of all objects (including H3 objects) will be directed by mod handlers
- common base for all handlers accessible from mod system (IHanderBase)
- json format changes: use struct with string ID's instead of vector
- fixed some gcc/clang errors and warnings
- fixed several cases of memory leaks and invalid memory access (mostly related to usage of bonus system and/or identifiers resolution)
Note that right now loading is much slower than before due to excessive json validation (or not fast enough validator)
* introduced new handler BonusTypeHandler
* config\bonusnames.json converted to common format and splitted info main and localizable parts
* hanlders initialization refactored
- removed duplicated json loading code in handlers
- simpler and mod-friendly handling of combined artifacts
- reorganized CCreature to avoid huge number of fields in one structure
- Hero can now can have several separate specialty nodes
- Fixed typo (speciality->specialty)
- Fixed several crashes related to commanders
- Improvements to specialty handling, bugfixes and temporary solutions for upcoming hero specialties in mods
- filesystem initialization works in conjuction with modHandler
- (config) split buildings.json in multiple files in "factions" directory
- (mods) merged filesystem.json and config/mod.json into mod.json
- - hero army and creature upgrade names are resolved using new system
- - faction names and creatures in towns are resolved using new system
- (linux) replaced build_data.sh with hopefully better vcmibuilder script
- minor fixes
* BattleAI will restore callback to its previous state, fixes freeze after battle #1104
* BattleAI won't lose turn when unable to correctly evaluate a spell
* VCAI will correctly recognize hero standing on town entrance
* War machines of defender will have correctly set side
* Faction 9 as neutral causes crashes, changing to -1 as used elsewhere in the code