Sadly I'm not yet find proper way to block all buttons in CToggleGroup without make them invisible so it's still possible to press buttons for guest. Though CRandomMapTab::updateMapInfo is now disabled for guest so even if guest going to press multiple buttons it's not going to cause crash for him.
- renamed CAdventureMapButton to more expectable CButton
- merged CButtonBase into CButton
- created more generic class for clickable elements
- created more generic class for selectable elements
- renamed CHighlightableButton to CToggleButton
- renamed CHighlightableButtonsGrous to CToggleGroup
- minimized differences between API of all these classes
- removed all but one contructors in buttons, with same parameters across all classes
- credits screen will use multi-line label instead of hackish usage of text box
- campaign intro movie player now plays voiced intro
- minor fixes to last commit
- removed CResourceLoader class in favor of one that implements resource loader interface
- removed global pool of files, in favour of more dynamic approach
- renamed some files to match current situation
All these changes are needed mostly for future mod manager + .zip support
- use std versions of function, bind and ref
- OVERRIDE -> override
- NULL -> nullptr
- use std versions of random distributions
NOTE: this may be last revision that supports gcc-4.5
- removed no longer used fields from Graphics + portraits.json
- work on pregame:
- - new code for map options window icons + popups
- - fixed bugs related to new towns
- - less hardcoded magic numbers
* disabled features unsupported by MinGW
* fixed issues with DLL_LINKAGE
! BOOST_THREAD_VERSION in now 3 workaround for existing code added, consider refactoring.
* some small tweaks ("-fpedantic" warnings)
- config folder with all json files is used via new FS API
- fixed campaigns loading. Replaced "detect h3m starts" heuristics with CCompessedStream::getNextBlock()
- completely replaced CLodHandler, removed bitmaph and spriteh
- replaced CLodStream in favour of CCompressedStream (2 new files)
- renamed CResourceLoaderFactory and ResourceIndetifier to shorter names
- campaign loading is currently broken. Will fix.
- I am going to remove several unused files in several days (e.g. LodHandler)
- disabled most of now unused code for changing resolution
- added missing spell effect sounds
- adventure map spells sounds
- remaining fixes for big endian systems
* Save game screen and returning to main menu will work if game was started with --start option
* GUI controls can selectively capture keyboard events. CTextInput won't capture Enter. Fixes#654.