Modified goldPressure-formula to no longer use completely arbitrary part of lockedresources/5000.
Lockedresources is now just divided by a factor of the free gold like everything else.
Removed the restrictions of the greedy-playstyle.
Only count forts as gold-producing prerequisites when no same- or higher-level fort exists somewhere else in the empire.
When not threatened by nearby enemies the AI adds missing gold-income-buildings towards gold-pressure. This impacts the build-order in a way that they try to rush these more and get up a good economy more quickly.
Before marketplaces could only be built as part of a requirement for other buildings but not on their own when that other building already existed like it is the case in certain campaign-missions.
The magic-strength of a hero now checks if the hero has a spellbook and at least one combat-spell.
The impact of knowledge and spellpower to the hero's magic-strength is now also depending on it's current and max mana-pool-size as an empty mana-pool does not exactly contribute well to fights.
Replaced every call of getFightingStrength() with getHeroStrength() which uses both the fightingStrength and the (reworked) magicStrength to guess how much stronger a hero-lead army is.
Due to morale-considerations the AI sometimes calculated that their strongest army after doing an exchange had slightly lower total value than the army they used before.
But by using unsigned "slightly lower" became near infinite.
So they constantly wanted to upgrade their army because they considered it more useful than anything else.
Changing the unsigned into signed fixes this.
It is now possible to switch to an AI-variant that uses hand-written heuristics for decision-making rather than the FuzzyLite-engine. This is configurable in nkai-settings.json via the new parameter "useFuzzy".