Nullkiller AI will now prefer giving its scout heroes faster units to
optimize their movement points on next turns.
Unit selection logic:
- AI prefers to give 'weak' units that won't affect army strength of main
hero. Unit is considered 'weak' if its level below 4 or if its AI value
is below 1% of total army strength. So AI can give high-tier unit to
scout, but only if main hero already has massive army.
- Within weak units, if hero is moving on terrain with penalty, AI will
always prefer units that are native to this terrain. So on snow AI will
always prefer unit from Tower even if its speed is lower than unit from
another faction.
- Within remaining candidates, AI will prefer unit that will give higher
movement points limit. This also means that in case of H3 rules, all
units with 11+ speed will be viewed as equally good
- If there are multiple units with same speed, AI will prefer unit with
lowest AI value
- human player will now use pathfinder settings from config (as before)
- nullkiller AI will now use its own, modified settings
- added option to configure NKAI usage of monolith to config
- fixed pathfinder costs not updating on receiving levelup
When the AI cannot buy units in a city because all slots are blocked and the units in the slot are cheaper than the units it wants to buy, the AI will now get rid of the units that block that slot in order to be able to buy the better units.
While it fixed the bug it was supposed to fix it caused another severe bug: AI wasn't generating a thread-map anymore.
Original bug needs to find another fix.
Even if the hero blocking a town is from the own faction, the town must not become a target if the city has stashed armies because in that case the hero ontop of it won't be able to go into garrison for the TP.
The node of a disembark-action can no longer be part of a hero-chain since sea-to-land-trade isn't possible and landing first eats up all movement-points.
The magic-strength of a hero now checks if the hero has a spellbook and at least one combat-spell.
The impact of knowledge and spellpower to the hero's magic-strength is now also depending on it's current and max mana-pool-size as an empty mana-pool does not exactly contribute well to fights.
Replaced every call of getFightingStrength() with getHeroStrength() which uses both the fightingStrength and the (reworked) magicStrength to guess how much stronger a hero-lead army is.
Fixed that army loss was taken into account both for the path and the target-object. In certain cases, like a hero defending a town, this could lead to armyloss being twice as high as it should be.
Nullkiller suggested that this change would help to further fix inconsistent behavior by the AI. I tested it and it did indeed fix different orders of how AI does things.
"Important to make count 1 to not relay on object addresses
They are source of random" - Nullkiller