Now pathfinder take into account different bonuses for different tuns. So if you only have FLYING_MOVEMENT bonus from Fly spell for one turn then pathfinder will only let you use air layer within one turn only.
That work for cost calculations too. Let's say you have two bonuses:
- FLYING_MOVEMENT with 20% penalty for next 2 turns
- FLYING_MOVEMENT with 40% penalty for 5 turns
Now pathfinder using correct penalty for each turn so movements in air layer going to be more expensive on 3-5 turns.
Suggested by @DjWarmonger as better alternative from performance standpoint while struct still more organized than bunch of variables.
Other reason of change it's that in future we may need non-boolean options, e.g for patrol movement and some new pathfinder usages.
There no need in dedicated function for embark / disembark and other conditions belong there perfectly.
This function is going to check what movements are plain impossible so we don't have to bother check their cost.
Each kind of teleporter have own function that determine if it's should or shouldn't be used.
For now Monolith with bidirectional channels and Subterranean Gate are united.
- This file is now split into multiple smaller files in mapObjects
- CObjectHandler itself now contains only core classes (Handler itself,
CGObject and interfaces)
- Cleaned up excessive #include's through whole project
- New files: lib/CObjectWithReward.h/cpp
- Classes that will be replaced by configurable object are now in this
Status: far from functional, currently at "it compiles" point, some
essential pieces are still missing.
- refactored CRandomGenerator (added util methods, improved method names)
- usages of std::minstd_ran are replaced by CRandomGenerator (not in entire code base, C rand() usages are still not replaced)
- refactored getArtSync method of CArtHandler -> now named pickRandomArtifact
- fixed some compiler warnings
- updated source code URL in VCMI spec
- fixed bug when loading victory/loss conditions of the 3rd scenario in the first ROE campaign
- fixed bug when loading artifacts to hero of the 3rd scenario in the first ROE campaign (due to corrupt H3M map)
- implemented function object to quickly find a object by it's sub ID in a list
- added netbackbase.h to header list in CMake
- removed false message which said that the server loaded the map successfully
- victory/defeat will be detected using triggered events
- vcmi will convert h3 conditions into set of triggered events
- it is possible to either change number of days without towns or even
remove this loss condition completely
- possibility of custom win/loss text and icons in pregame (no longer
connected to win/loss conditions)
Still missing:
- No interface to pass custom events/victory conditions into the game
- AI would benefit from improvemets (handle all victory conditions,
select best one to fulfill)
- You have X days till defeat message still hardcoded to 7 days
- Moved placing campaign heroes before random object generation -> same behaviour as in OH3
- Refactored pickHero into pickNextHeroType (hero generation sequence) and pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly
- Added a SIGSEV violation handler to vcmiserver executable for logging stacktrace (for convenience only)
- Fixed Fuzzy.cpp and VCAI.h compilation on Clang
- Added a handleException function in addition to our macros (no use of macros, enables debugging support, does not re-throw, catches ...-case too)
- Added toString() method to EVictoryLossCheckResult enum class to improve debugging
- Removed mostly unused CFunctionList2
- Added missing header files for vcmiclient project to CMakeLists
- Tweaked SDL suggests bpp message a bit
- Added showInfoDialogAndWait (info dialog and waits, used from client thread) and showOkDialog (callback to ok click, used from GUI thread) to player interface
- Added showOkDialog method to CInfoWindow (unused for now, but may be used later)