Updated project files for MSVC and automake (I hope I didn't break it)
* Refactored pathfinding and integrated into CGameState.
* Fixed issues with wrong calculating movement cost at server side
* Hero infowindow won't be redrawed each time experience changes
* Removed memory leaks with CPaths-s
* Support for Sign objects
* Bumped savegame formt version to ensure old not compatible saves won't be readed
* Spellscrolls will disappear on visit (won't be treated as spellbooks anymore)
* Merged CPreGameTextHandler into CGeneralTextHandler and moved to VCMI_Lib.dll (update your project files)
* Genius AI will be used as a default AI
* more code for save/load
Because of really huge amount of modifications here I've probably missed some minor stuff. I doubt if it's still compatible with gcc - some changes should be reapplied.
* added CConsoleHandler to interact with user (it should be testing - only, the real console should be as in h3)
pathfinder MAY work now, but it isn't tested
* names of lods changed - rename your lod files to h3sprite.lod and h3bitmap.lod and place them in \Data subfolder (as in H3).
* added several clickable buttons to adv. map interface
* underground/surface switch button is functional
* reading more text from ZELP.txt, added CPreGameTextHandler to CGameInfo
* a lot of minor improvements/fixes(/bugs)
* more player interface (but it's still beginning)
* int3 members public
* more usage of int3
* adjusted animation speed
* reversed changes from rev.165 in CPreGame - it wasn't bug, it just works so. That change was breaking a few things in CPreGame and was needless - Player ID == Player's Color. I thought it was obvious.
* minor stuff
* now you can choose castle in scenario options
* function blitAtWR works as blitAt, and refreshes destination rect
* vectorize function (on TowDragon's wish) - may be useful for debugging
* as always- minor bigfixes
* zaczytywanie nazw obiektów (są z numerami)
* klasa na zamek, klasy na różne obiekty
* poprawka zaczytywania defów (teraz zaczytuje wszystkie)
* rozpoczęcie prac nad zaczytywaniem obiektów (zaczytuje już ich ilość)
* poprawki kodu związanego z wyświetlaniem mapy (już nie ucina paska od dołu i z prawej, za to jest irytujący czarny pasek na dole związny z niecałkowitym wynikiem dzielenia 600 przez 32)
* może jakieś inne pomniejsze zmiany
przystosowanie zaczytywania na pliki z lodów (zmieniony folder, zaczytuje teraz także pliki angielskojęzyczne); w tym przepisane od nowa zaczytywanie opisów potworów