* displayEffect shows animations on more correct places
* removed three magic numbers (now they're BFIELD_WIDTH, BFIELD_HEIGHT and BFIELD_SIZE macros)
* minor changes
* hero's primary skills account for damage dealt by creatures in battle
* magical hero are given spellbook at the beginning
* added initial secondary skills for heroes
* minor fixes and improvements
* events won't be shown and won't block movement
* casualties among hero army and neutral creatures are saved
* it's possible to build lighthouse
* increased thread-safety (may prevent some crashes)
* minor fixes
* max/buy buttons in recruitment window are not active when there are no available creatures to buy
* reading no-retalation and twice-attack abilities
* boars are treated as two-hex
* dead stack won't retaliate
* support for double attack (not tested)
* one more typo fixed in battle backgrounds list
* creatures placeholders work properly
* abandoned mine won't show message with mithril
* it's possible to build glyph of fear in fortress
* emissaries won't be used in random creature drawing (they have no correct def)
* fixed problem with moving two-hex creatures one tile back
* added confirmation window when hero is dismissed
* finished mage guild screen
* fixed some crashbugs with hero window on adventure interface
* fixed giving wrong war machines on start
* added blacksmith functionality
* randomizing spells in towns
* fixed reading forbidden structures
* support for heroes starting in town garrisons
* hopefully fixed problems with wrong town defs (village/fort/capitol)
* moved CSpellHandler.* to VCMI_Lib (project files must be updated)
* redone reading spell info
* added missing features to the fort screen
* minor improvements
* partially done mage guild screen
* windmill won't give wood
* hover text for heroes
* good background for the town hall screen in Stronghold
* fixed typo in hall.txt
* support for ZSoft-style PCX files in /Data (using SDL_image)
* minor improvements
* little more code for upgrades
* version set to 0.6
* "plural" reference names for Conflux creatures (starting armies of Conflux heroes should now be working)
* minor changes
* fixed problems with horde buildings (won't block original dwellings)
* giving primary skill when hero get level (but there is still no dialog)
* if an upgraded creature is available it'll be shown as the first in a recruitment window
* creature levels not messed in Fortress
* war machines are added to the hero's inventory, not to the garrison
* support for H3-style PCX graphics in Data/ (not tested)
* started doing support for ZSoft PCX graphics in Data/
* VCMI won't crash when is unable to initialize audio system
* fixed displaying wrong town defs
* minor fixes and improvements
* correctly showing recruitment window (recruitment not ready)
* new slider class
* creature growths handled (horde buildings not yet supported)
* buttons more secure
* info about factions and their creatures
* costs of creatures merged into vector
* info about town structeres state (started)
* new function in CSDL_Ext for drawing borders
* numerous minor changes