This won't affect AI functionality except if game saved while AI moving through teleporters.
Serialization for some reason don't work properly and cause save loading to fail.
There is several ideas that teleportation code have to be shared between object/spells and this way we can avoid changing showTeleportDialog declaration every time.
Now all new objects added to visitableObjs only using addVisitableObj so we can catch them for teleports handling.
I also simplified one of retreiveVisitableObjs functions because it's only used for inserting things into visitableObjs.
When AI going through bidirectional teleport it's always getting list of all available exits.
If some of exits are invisible it's will attempt to visit each of them teleport probing begins.
Just like TeleportDialog it's based off showBlockingDialog, but as number of package is higher when possible showTeleportDialog will be after other dialogs handling code.
- This file is now split into multiple smaller files in mapObjects
- CObjectHandler itself now contains only core classes (Handler itself,
CGObject and interfaces)
- Cleaned up excessive #include's through whole project
AI heroes will be excluded from exploration if:
- There is no clear way to next exploration point or
- There is no possible exploration point at all
AI heroes will be erased from the list above if:
- FoW changes
- New object is added
- To prevent lock, primary hero will be erased at the start of each turn
* Heroes will try to use SectorMap if there are no accessible tiles
* Remove some loopholes and pitfalls when all the ways are blocked
* Fixed AI not conquering some (reserved) objects
Still missing: SectorMap does not use Subterranean Gates :(
- Improvements for army exchange
* Fixed exchange condition
* Bidirectional exchange is possible
- Moved placing campaign heroes before random object generation -> same behaviour as in OH3
- Refactored pickHero into pickNextHeroType (hero generation sequence) and pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly
- Added a SIGSEV violation handler to vcmiserver executable for logging stacktrace (for convenience only)
- Fixed Fuzzy.cpp and VCAI.h compilation on Clang
- Added a handleException function in addition to our macros (no use of macros, enables debugging support, does not re-throw, catches ...-case too)