* battle window will wait till all dialogs are closed
* fixed problems with AI working after the game ended
* fixed problems with overzealous redrawing of infobar
* all lock/unlock and unlock/lock pairs are done by RAII guards now
* fixed two possible crashes at the end of battle when last stack was killed by spell. That should fix#749 and #752.
* fixed a very nasty race condition, eliminating possible deadlock at the start of battle when human hero has tactics
* fixed#422
- gcc set to c++0x mode
- most of gcc warnings fixed
- replaced boost::assign with initialization lists (if available in compiler)
- new cheat code: vcmiarmenelos - build everything
- updated linux readme
- minor fixes, applied patch for #98
* fixed crash when creature is casting Hypnosis (ie. exped Vampire Lords)
* fixed crash when creature is casting Cure before attack (ie. exped Unicorns)
* fixed crash when creature is summoning elemental (TODO fix it)
* fixed crash when doing a bonus system operation with a hero liberated from prison (ie. entering town or battle)
* fixed deadlock when StupidAI tried to assault the turrets
* fixed never ending siege when StupidAI has to use catapult (no more deadlocks on AI-AI siege)
* fixed deadlock when a hero received a level during another player's turn (ie. when he successfully defended)
* AI can win the game by defeating all enemies if there is a specific victory condition applying only to human players
* added options to help testing adventure map AI (--onlyAI, --autoSkip and --oneGoodAI).
* many minor changes
* Renamed color constants
* Renamed class AdventureMapButton to CAdventureMapButton
* Moved basic controls like CTextBox from GuiClasses to CIntObjectClasses
* Moved new creature window from GuiClasses to CCreatureWindow
* CHexFieldControl renamed to CClickableHex
* CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h moved to BattleInterface/CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h
* Removed unused project files
* Added VCMI_client filters file for VS 2010
* Gathered common parts of StdInc.h in Global.h
* Boost.Spirit has been included in PCH for ERM project
* StopWatch renamed to CStopWatch
* GuiBase.cpp split up in UIFramework/...
* fixed crash on sea battles (obstacles data got corrupted during conversion)
* fixed crash when StupidAI had a catapult
* minor fixes and refactorings (typename for bonus list under shared ptr)
Significant changes in project files:
* new library package required! URL: http://download.vcmi.eu/msvc-pack.7z
* created VCMI_global.props property sheet for settings common to all VCMI projects
* added configuration for x64 builds
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp
* lib/ERMScriptModule.h
* lib/CObstacleInstance.h
More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts.
Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
* fixed console on Windows (restored old code)
* GeniusAI won't get blocked when it has a hero with tactics in battle
* fixed an issue with switching turns in hot-seat mode when there is Cover of Darkness active
* suppressed bonus system console output: it goes only to the logfile
* [win32] setting thread names (debug purposes)
* minor fixes
-- Reduced memory usage for images with margins
-- Implemented RLE compression
- Linux-related changes:
-- build system updated to include changed paths
-- new dependency: boost-program-options
-- configure option --disable-debug will produce optimized build
- Several gcc compile fixes
- Optimized CPU usage on town screens
- Removed several includes from headers
- Possible fix for #496
* THex for battle positions
* towards removal of battleGetStackByID
investigate the necessity of putting implementation of BattleAction CGlobalAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) in CGeniusAI.cpp
-It is possible to toggle adventure AI on / off typing "ai" in the console (default is true)
-General cleaning and formatting of code
-Some minor optimizations
-Teal console log for AI
AI tends to hang in the maze of mutexes and current player interface, further investigation is needed.
minor tweaks
Restructured thread structure: no new thread on yourturn, instead of that introduced update() method called by thread dispatching GUI events.
Further changes are planned.
Fixed a file handle leak.
Bumped revision to 0.74b (linux).
Reworked the build system to remove uneeded dependencies (linux).
Removed use of PATHSEPARATOR since Windows can use / too.
* battle settings will be stored
* fixed calculating battle casualties
* fixed crash when clicking on enemy stack without moving mouse when we receive action
* fixed issue when splitting stack to the hero with only one creatures
* version set to 0.73c, bumped save format version, updated changelog
* new stack queue for higher resolutions (needs new graphics!)
* improved stack ordering during battle
* many minor fixes
* temporarily disabled AI
* recalculating paths only after finished movement / switching selection
* moving hero uses "new" pathfinder
* moving hero by arrow keys / numpad
* VCMI window should start centered
* fixed pairing Subterranean Gates
* fixed issues with creatures sounds after loading
* several minor changes and improvements
* r-click popups on selected town/hero.bonus and teams in pregame
* disabled music due to bugs in SDL_mixer and smpeg (probably it was the source of reported random crashes / hangups)
* minor fixes
2. Improved functions handling experience. Now it works with values over 65K, but still didn't with event giving 99M exp
I have no idea what it has to do with AI though
-builds buildings
-recruits creatures/heroes
-upgrades creatures
-moves heroes to random destinations.
-passes units to heroes/upgrades heroes' units
-attacks weaker parties
-and more.
* spellbook shows adventure spells when opened on adventure map
* removed redundant quotation marks from skills description
* erasing path after picking objects with last movement point