bfs = boost::filesystem;
- Updateting filenames (std::string -> bfs::path) #1
- Added platform detection, and some specyfic boost::filesystem includes
to Global.h
- Updated CBasicLogConfigurator. Now class uses bfs::path pathes.
- VCMI will load mods from Mods directory recursively. Submods must be
placed into additional Mods directory, e.g.
<data dir>/Mods/<mod name>/Mods/<submod name>
- submods will be loaded only if their parent mod was enabled
- submods namespace for objects will be "<parent mod ID>.<submod ID>"
- TODO: Launcher is not aware of submods yet (seems to be working but
may behave incorrectly)
priority than mods. Fixes#1685 and #1733
- fixed possible crash on exit in dispose() function
- (vcmibuilder) fixes problem with partial mp3 -> ogg conversion
All user data has been moved according to XDG specs:
- Game data (H3 files and mods) and saves: from ~/.vcmi to ~/.local/
- Temporary files, including logs: from ~/.vcmi to ~/.cache/vcmi
- Config files: from ~/.vcmi/config to ~/.config/vcmi
For compatibility VCMI will read game data from ~/.vcmi as well but this
is temporary behavior and will be removed
- victory/defeat will be detected using triggered events
- vcmi will convert h3 conditions into set of triggered events
- it is possible to either change number of days without towns or even
remove this loss condition completely
- possibility of custom win/loss text and icons in pregame (no longer
connected to win/loss conditions)
Still missing:
- No interface to pass custom events/victory conditions into the game
- AI would benefit from improvemets (handle all victory conditions,
select best one to fulfill)
- You have X days till defeat message still hardcoded to 7 days
- fixed incorrect error reporting in launcher
- set WoG version to "0.0.0" so full version will be installed from repo
in future
- updated debian required packages list
- launcher will be enabled by default
- reorganized internal filesystem structure - all files from one mod are
now grouped in same FS node
- modhandler will now calculate crc32 checksum for each mod
- modhandler now knows validation status of each mod
todo - use checksum to determine mods that have not changed since last
start and disable validation for them.
- boost-locale library is now required (boost 1.48 or higher)
- Unicode namespace that contains UTF-8 handling
- All non-ASCII strings from H3 data will be converted to UTF-8 during loading
- All JSON files MUST use UTF-8.
- H3 data encoding can be selected via launcher or directly in config file
- launcher uses json parser from vcmi lib instead of one from Qt #1469
- fixed abilities overrides for some creatures #1476
- fixed hero portraits in seer huts #1402
- ttf fonts will render text in utf-8 mode. Not really useful at this point
- new settings entry, available in launcher: encoding. Unused for now.
- new fields in mod format, for use with mod manager (check config/shemas/mod.json for details)
- removed some 0.92 compatibility from mods loading
- several compile fixes
- minizip library is now part of sources, located at lib/minizip
- cmakefiles will compile minizip as dynamic library (Note: only 2 files used by vcmi are included in
- zip files can be loaded similar to other archives via filesystem.json
- mods can use instead of Content/ directory. Files in directory will replace files in archive.
- removed CResourceLoader class in favor of one that implements resource loader interface
- removed global pool of files, in favour of more dynamic approach
- renamed some files to match current situation
All these changes are needed mostly for future mod manager + .zip support
- replaced several boost classes with std (e.g. unordered)
- removed gcc-4.5 workarounds
- ran clang c++11 migration tool to detect some cases:
- - pointer initialized with "0" to nullptr
- - replace for with iterators with range-based for
- - use auto in some situations (type name specified twice, avoid long iterators type names)
- WoG should be optional, all remapped files are listed in WoG/config/wogFileOverrides.json
- fixed several cases of incorrect positioning of creatures in battles
- some missing sounds for battle effects
- negative luck support, disabled by default
- a bit hackish detection of WoG presence, VCMI should work on SoD-only installs
- a lot of changes in configs;
- - update to creature format - abilities are now json structure
- - multiple bugfixes revealed by validation
- made schemas a bit more strict
- creatures data can be replaced via mods
- it is possible to validate vcmi configs using schemas (disabled)