These warnings have not been fixed because the are legitimate and/or I don't know how to fix them:
test\googletest\googletest\include\gtest/gtest-printers.h(888,43): warning C4996: 'std::tr1': warning STL4002: The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery are deprecated and will be REMOVED.
lib\serializer\JsonSerializeFormat.h(523,26): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
include\boost/iostreams/positioning.hpp(96,15): warning C4996: 'std::fpos<_Mbstatet>::seekpos': warning STL4019: The member std::fpos::seekpos() is non-Standard, ...
source\lib\filesystem\FileStream.h(39,69): warning C4910: 'boost::iostreams::stream<FileBuf,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>': '__declspec(dllexport)' and 'extern' are incompatible on an explicit instantiation
include\boost/optional/optional.hpp(274,53): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'T' to 'T', possible loss of data
client\widgets\../gui/SDL_Extensions.h(112,14): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
client\CServerHandler.cpp(421,24): warning C4834: discarding return value of function with 'nodiscard' attribute (see
client\CVideoHandler.cpp(130,25): warning C4996: 'AVStream::codec': was declared deprecated
Disabled the following (for MSVC only) that couldn't (or shouldn't) be fixed.
4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'identifier'
4250: 'class1' : inherits 'class2::member' via dominance
4251: 'type' : class 'type1' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'type2'
4275: non dll-interface class 'type1' used as base for dll-interface class 'type2'
Replaced const TBonusListPtr with TConstBonusListPtr where necessary
Replaced const std::shared_ptr<T> with std::shared_ptr<const T> where necessary.
Removed superfluous use of const.
Replaced const std::shared_ptr<T> with const std::shared_ptr<T> & in function parameters and ranged for-loops.
* The reason is,
the mine has attribute hidden=true;
when enemy unit moves, the code in BattleInfo.cpp MoveUnit() (line 817) will update the revealed to true;
then in the CGameHandler.cpp handleDamageFromObstacle() (line 4846) is checking , and the condition battleIsObstacleVisibleForSide() will return true, so the effect will not be triggerred.
1. Remove the "revealed=true" in moveUnit(), and in handleDamageFromObstacle, remove the "const" restrict for obstacle, and then update revealed to true;
2. After the takeDamage function, add a pack "BattleObstaclesChanged" to update the obstacle to be "revealed=true".
Warnings fixes
* Suppress `missing-braces` for Clang
* Fixed many C4275 warnings
* Fixed almost all Clang/GCC warnings
* Silence most frequent MSVC warning.
* Fixed some pessimizing-move warnings
* Fixed some unused capture warnings
* Convert TestConfig to proper test environment.
* Copy test data to build directory.
* Get test recognized by ctest, but disable gtest discovery. Allowing ctest to run each test individually isn't currently practical because it is 50 times slower.
New features for players:
* Loading for multiplayer. Any save could be used for multiplayer.
* Restart for multiplayer. All clients will restart together.
* Loading from single save.
* Hotseat mixed with network game. Multiple players per client.
* Now connection to server could be cancelled.
* Return to menu on disconnections instead of crashes.
* Restoring of last selected map, save or campaign on next run.
TLDR on important changes in engine code:
* UI: work with server separated from UI
* UI: all explitic blitting replaced with IntObject's
* UI: all new code use smart pointers instead of DISPOSE
* Gameplay always start through lobby controlled by server.
* Threads receiving netpacks now shared for lobby and gameplay.
* Campaigns: heroes for crossover now serialized as JsonNode.
Addresses several related problems:
* Propagation / unpropagation of duplicate bonuses is inconsistent, causing bugs
* Duplicate bonuses never stack, which is not always intended behaviour (e.g. multiple copies of resource generating artifacts)
* Different bonuses always stack, which is not always intended behaviour (e.g. Angel + Archangel morale bonuses)
This is addressed as follows:
* Duplicate bonuses are never eliminated during propagation/inheritance.
* Unpropagation eliminates only a single copy of duplicated bonus
* Bonus receives a new field stacking that determines stacking behaviour:
* * empty string = no stacking with duplicates (default)
* * "ALWAYS" = stacks with duplicates & everything else
* * some other value = no stacking with bonuses with same stacking value
Also Morale/Luck window now hides non-stacking bonuses.
* Indirect spell effects loading
* Json serializer improvements
* spell->canBeCastAt do not allow useless cast for any spell
* Added proxy caster class for spell-created obstacles
* Handle damage from spell-created obstacles inside mechanics
* Experimental GameState integration/regression tests
* Ignore mod settings and load only "vcmi" mod when running tests
* fixed (with tests)
* Huge improvements of BattleAI regarding spell casts
* AI can cast almost any combat spell except TELEPORT, SACRIFICE and obstacle placement spells.
* Possible fix for
* CStack factored out to several classes
* [Battle] Allowed RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE effect on server side to be optional
* [Battle] Allowed BattleAction have multiple destinations
* [Spells] Converted limit|immunity to target condition
* [Spells] Use partial configuration reload for backward compatibility handling
* [Tests] Started tests for CUnitState
* Partial fixes of fire shield effect
* [Battle] Do HP calculations in 64 bits
* [BattleAI] Use threading for spell cast evaluation
* [BattleAI] Made AI be able to evaluate modified turn order (on hypothetical battle state)
* Implemented
* plug rare freeze when hypnotized unit shots vertically
* Correctly apply ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT / ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT for unit damage, attack & defense
* [BattleAI] Try to not waste a cast if battle is actually won already
* Extended JsonSerializeFormat API
* fixed
* Any unit effect can be now chained (not only damage like Chain Lightning)
** only damage effect for now actually uses "chainFactor"
* Possible quick fix for
- macOS: RPATH-related code all removed or disabled
- macOS: new osx/CMakeLists.txt to run some install-code running after all subdirectories
- Assets copying into the runtime output directory implemented for Mac and Linux development
- Change default build output directory name from "build" to "bin"
- Implement new function vcmi_get_cmake_debug_info
- Link client with SDL2main on Windows and disable debug console
- Remove all old MinGW-specific options since they outdated and MXE work fine
- Set AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER for better Xcode and Visual Studio projects
- Remove useless vcmitestFiles custom target for less garbage in project files
- Most of outdated CMakeLists code removed.
- All Mac-specific code is removed include Sparkle support and vcmibuilder app.
- DMG buidling reimplemented using macdeployqt command.
- Use EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL for FuzzyLite and GoogleTest to avoid inclusion of unneded headers and libraries into installers.
- Set minimum CMake version only in main CMakeLists.txt
- Set project name only in main CMakeLists.txt
- Visual Studio: add assign_source_group function to generate proper filesystem tree
- Visual Studio: set PROJECT_LABEL so generated projects have same names binaries on Windows
- Visual Studio: enabled USE_FOLDERS for projects grouping. This also possibly affect other IDEs.
- Added add_subdirectory_with_folder function to make sure 3rd-party libraries are affected by USE_FOLDERS.