* bumped version name to 0.72b
* more diagnostics in music handler (should help to catch the reported bug with not playing main menu theme)
* probably fixed problems with horde buildings in towns that start with upgraded dwellings (0.72#1 http://vcmi.antypika.aplus.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=159)
* version set to 0.72
* integrated save format version to the CLoadFile
* fixed problems on entering non-number as resolution number
* minor improvements
* fixed slider behavior when showing less maps/games than available slots
* added a few missing sounds for creatures
* fixed problems with artifacts info caused by bug in serialization
* fixed bug in Scholar's serializetion
* all stacks features will be serialized (should fix problems with missing premies from artifacts)
* proper serialization of HeroBonus, fixes some problems/crashes
* resource silos won't give resources on the first day
* fixed problems with removing artifacts when all visiblebackpack slots are full
* Mines / Resource Silos won't give income in the first turn
* Double click on hero slot during stack splitting won't crash
* Fixed problems with updating buttons / minimap
* fixed a few includes paths
* it's possible to enter Tavern via Brotherhood of Sword
* fixes for statusbar
* fixes for townlist
* fixed crashes on building / clicking some buildings
* bumped version number to 0.71c
* bonuses from wearing more than one same artifact won't cumulate
* Altered probabilities of starting with 1/2/3 stacks (according to Zamolxis tests)
* fix compilation min/max (windef.h is somehow included and it has its own macros min/max)
* created new package for injuring multiple units - needed for area spells (not tested)
* proper screen updating on garrison change
* spell effects will be removed when they time out
* Corpse (Skeleton) will be accessible from all directions
* new objects supported:
- Corpse
- Lean To
- Wagon
- Warrior's Tomb
* several minor improvements
* unified yes/no and selection dialog interface calls
* VCMI won't anymore be always giving all three stacks in the starting armies
* fix for drawing starting army creatures count
* support for School of Magic
* support for School of War
* support for Pillar of Fire
* minor changes
* battle will end when one side has only war machines
* fixed crasbug occurring on revisiting objects (by pressing space)
* started writing support for artifacts
* presumably fixed crash occurring sometimes on battle end
* fixed problems when attacking with two-hex creature another two-hex creature, when tile before our destination was blocked
* minor changes