Fixed crash caused by mistakenly assuming that "pos" is the position of a hero on the map and not its bottom-right-corner that can be outside of the map.
The StayAtTown-behavior now always creates tasks for all heroes to go and stay at a town. It will be treated differently than going to a town for mana in the sense that it is only considered at the lowest priority-tier. So it will only happen when the AI doesn't find anything else to do. It should resolve one of the two main-reasons for losing weak heros.
The hunter-gather-priority-tier now goes strictly by distance for all taks that are considered above 0 in value.
Don't hire a hero in a town where another hero is currently defending against a threat. This would mean one of them has to stay outside and be exposed.
A town will no longer communitcate that it doesn't need defenses, when it currently has a garrisioned hero. Because otherwise the garrisoned hero would just leave and let the town undefended.
Reworked recruit-behavior to be a bit more conservative and avoid recruiting-sprees. Stuff like buying several heros in a row because the next one is always slightly better than the last but using up the whole starting-bank for that.
No longer excluding paths for exposing a hero to an enemy in the behaviors. There definitely are reasons for doing something anyways, even if threatened. The logic for that should be done in the PriorityEvaluator.
Supressing hiring army on turn one seems just bad. Starting the main-hero as strong as possible seems like a good idea to me and hiring the available troops outright will help achieve that goal.
However, if there's a hero for hire, who has army with him that is a better deal, we hire that one first.
When we have no hero, we will definitely want to hire one.
We will also want to hire heroes who already pay for more than themselves by coming with an army that has more value than the hero costs.
The information of whether objects like a redwood-observatory or subterranian gates have been interacted with by the AI will now be retrieved from the game-state instead of using an AI-internal memory that won't survive loading a save-game.